Den Haag, Lutherse Kerk (Lutherse Burgwal 7-9, 2513 CB)
Georg Philipp Telemann
Cantata TVWV 1:320 for 1. Ostertag Der Tod ist verschlungen in den Sieg (1721)
Johann Sebastian Bach
Cantata BWV 98 for 21. Sonntag nach Trinitatis Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (1726)
Georg Philipp Telemann
Cantata TVWV 1:1061 for Neujahrstag Lobet den Herrn, alle seine Heerscharen (1725)
The opening concert from the Telemann Festival at the Koninklijk Conservatorium in Den Haag. The highlight of the programme is two rarely performed cantatas by Telemann featuring parts for the Baroque Clarinet.
Sort of the event:
Direction. : Guy van Waas, Maestro al cembalo
Stichting Musica Antica da Camera
Ernst Jaap Rozenboom
Unit M114 - Binkhorstlaan 36
2516 BE Den Haag
Tel. +31 6 21 7- 10 22
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